Monday 7 November 2011

Xena on way to Phuket

She left Hong Kong at 16:00 5th November, HKT, and is now (10:30am) at
17:56 N and 111:18 E, just off tip of Hainan.
Weather: 20-30 knots from NE, raining.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Peter,

    I just got back from Yangzhou and have 2 weeks in HK! hooray! In this past week I have been able to get the buyers from xx, to come visit our factory. The problem is this will happen same time as King's Cup. So I am glad that you have a full crew and a good one at that. This year I shall be watching results via the internet instead.

    So as you can imagine I will be pretty flat out till CNY. I cannot complain as having taken 3 weeks off to go cruising was well worthwhile.

    If you are around this month it would be great to catch up.

    All the very best
