Monday 14 November 2011

Xena emerges from Stealth Mode: in Singapore, scathed but safe

Raffles Marina, Singapore.  Xena will be here tomorrow morning, after some dramas...
Grant just rang in.  They've had a "rough couple of days".
Engine not working, and he's not sure why.  They're under sail, in Singapore harbour, making way to Raffles Wharf at a bare 2 knots, typical Singapore, no wind.
They won't be in to Raffles till the morning, so have to anchor in the harbour overnight.
Also: they had hooked up a huge piece of rubber pipe, longer than the boat -- Grant thinks something thrown overboard from an oil rig.  They were only able to get it off by going round in circles.  Grant dived down to see if any damage and seem to be oil leaking from the stern gland.
Once he's in berth at Raffles, he'll be able to work out what the issue is with the engine and the stern gland.  The can lift Xena out lift if necessary.
They'll be along side with the Sam Chan's TP 52, Ffreefire, which is on way to King's Cup, repairing damaged rudder -- which they'd damaged in the HK-Vietnam race.
BTW: Grant had tried to ring a few times but hadn't got through.  He'll ring again tomorrow, once sorted out what the issues are.
Good thing: left in plenty of time. And in Singapore, with good assistance available.  And... all well!


  1. Hi Peter,

    When you are next talking with Grant can you please confirm if the Tracking unit is still on as we need it to be on for testing purposes.

    Kind regards,


  2. Morning Tracy, thanks for this.
    Check out the latest post on the Blog, link below... Some (mis)adventures....
    Grant said that when they’re in the Marina he’ll disconnect all power on the boat and reboot everything, including the Tracker. Stand by on that. He’s going to ring in when he’s worked out the various issues we have with Xena at the moment...

  3. Email from Grant, 15/11, 15:03:
    Hi Peter and Jing,
    Happy to report that your lovely "Xena" is safe and sound in a pen at Raffles.
    Managed to sail her into the pen without even the slightest bump. Noel and Mike did a good job executing the plan and rolling the jib just at the right moment to allow us enough momentium to just glide in and no more.
    Spent yesterday sailing thru the ships to arrive just off Raffles at 1am this morning.
    Anchored there for the night.
    This morning I dived to check prop,strut and sharft with a straight edge. Good news all ok.
    I haven't checked in yet, waiting to see what Yanmar service engineer has to say as likely time for repairs.
    Will email again when I have more info.
    Expecting engineer soon.
    Cheers, Grant.
