Friday 3 December 2010

Special thanks to all

Klaus has managed to post a couple of comments -- well done!  It seems to need some sort of log-in and apols for that, can't see how to remove that in the setting, but hope others can work it out....

I've posted some "thank you's" before, but just wanted to "consolidate" them, as it were.

Thanks at this end, Hong Kong, to Roger, Ian and the boys at the Boatyard, for hitting the deadline (10 Nov) on time and within budget....  Great job!

Then, of course, Grant, for his patience and wisdom and great professionalism in getting the Princess down safely to Phuket.  With "the Boyz", Noel and Jose (the latter learning something about how to steer downwind in 30+ knts, I understand....), then Iris who joined the Boyz in Singapore: thanks to all.

And down in Phuket, Grant et. al. are joined by Klaus, Ben ("TC"), Stevo and Ray Day (not the Ray Day that I know here in Discovery Bay, I presume....).

Cheers and thanks to yez all!

See you tomorrow!

Peter F. in Hongkers


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. From Ian (BY Hong Kong):

    Dear Peter,
    Very glad to be of service. It is only now I can confidently say that the repairs will be completed in time for you to make the Kings Cup.


  3. You can post comments if you set your profile to google and log in with your gmail account. The other profiles I did not recognize.

  4. I just changed the settings so anyone can comment. Only thing is, people can comment as "Anonymous". I hope people will use names, though, always nice to see who's commenting, and I'm assuming a harmless Blog like this one won't attract any "flamers" or "Trolls"!
    BTW: note that you can use HTML tags, like the bold above...
