Tuesday, 11 December 2012

King's Cup, catch-up photos... a day on the water.

07:00 on the beach each morning: Noel, Biggus, Iris, Strompfie, Digger,
Oscar, Jing, Forse, Bicky, MC Danger, Bucket, Grunter, G, TC

Single file to the Longtail

On way to racetrack: MC, Bicky, Biggus, TC

Grunter has just checked rudder and keel for junk

On Wednesday, we do sail past of Thai Navy vessels
to pay our respects to King's birthday.

Stromfie and MC

Oscar, Biggus, Noel, Bucket, Digger
On way to racecourse, Strompfie, MC Danger, Jing

Digger makes his beer sacrifice to the wind and sea gods...

"Grunter the pirate", says Bucket
Start in light airs: Pine, Tonga, Titania

"Legs 11"
G hands J1 jib at spinnaker hoist.  (Guy Nowell photo)....

.... and Grunter trims it downwind in light airs
Light airs Race 6: Bicky and Biggus.  Forse at helm.
Pine and Titania behind us.

Race 6: we're still in front of Titania and Pine here.
We won this race.

On the way back to the beach.  Check out the headgear on this dude!

"Noice" says Bucket.  Jing, Bicky and Grunter

Forse collects first prize for Race 6
G at the piano, with Jing and TC chillin'.... Crew dinner,
The Boathouse, Kata Beach...
... and again... a pensive TC... G @ piano, Bicky, Bucket, Jing.. (my iPhone)

And so to bed... Sunset South Kata Beach. 

Thanks to Bucket, Catherine, Biggus and Guy Nowell for the photos.
More photos from the King's Cup website here.  Scroll down and do search for "Xena".

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